Wednesday, May 9, 2007

When You Want to Take the Sneeze Out of Spring: Steps to Help Reduce Allergies

The spring season is a time of renewal for plants but also a time for allergies for many people. Here are some basic steps you can take, besides consulting your doctor, that may help alleviate your symptoms.

1. Clean up your home: read the earlier post (2/16/07) on basic steps to eliminate allergens in your home.

2. Clean up you bedding: invest in barrier cloth for your mattress and pillows to help reduce dust mites and other allergens from your bedroom. Gaiam (allergen mattess protectors)icon and the Heart of Vermont carry many of these products.
(GAIAM: Get Coupon Deal: 15% off with $50 purchase Coupon Code: AFC5 until May 31st 2007 if you use link on this blog).

3. Eat a healthy diet and take your vitamins.

4. Invest in an air purfier or filter to help filter out allergens in your home. AllerAir has a great line of powerful air purifiers.

5. Add stress reducers to your routine, such as yogaicon and exercise.

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