Thursday, February 15, 2007

Welcome to My Blog at Eco-Basic Home

Greetings from Texas!

For over 10 years, I have been interested in healthy homes and the environment. My goal is to share my knowledge and experience I have gained from my life and many related jobs and businesses.

From my own experience with health and allergies, I believe people can make changes in their lifestyle, homes and offices to greatly improve health. While over 10 year ago only a small portion of people were talking about this, more recently there has been an increased interest in the subject.

Just today, February 15th, the New York Times featured an article "A Safe House? Anxious Parents Buy into the Promise of Natural Cleaning Products." Parents are using more natural cleaning products, like Seventh Generation, in their homes. Many schools are choosing this route as well. This idea is now becoming more mainstream, but I believe there is still more progress to be made.

Thanks for your visit and come back again as I develop the site:


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